Sadly I don't have pictures from Mayfest, because i forgot it and was busy....sorry for that!
Because i practised since August on Calypso I wanted to present her on a competition. But she got kicked from another Horse two days before, so i couldn't compete on her. Since I have entered i drove up and did my volunteerjob at the music. ( the competitions in the US are on Fairgrounds and not at barns from a Club. So everybody has to help that there is a competition!)
Then I heard that i'm allowed to start on a Horse from Mile High! Very nice of them! After a little warmup I ran in with two Vaulters from the Mile High Club and one with who i practised from Stellars. She couldn't Mount so i had to give her a boost before it was my turn. It was OK and i was fine with it because it was just for fun.
Next day was freestyle. Was with the same Vaulters like the day before and the same Horse. Before my turn i had to give a boost again and when it was my turn, the judges called us and they explained that i got disqualified! If you approach a Horse....didn't know that so i did my freestyle just for scores. Since i'm used to the german scores i was surprised to see so good notes.....
Also other Vaulters from the Club started in walk. They were able to go on a horse from Complete Equestian Vaulters, which was very nice of them! Also we got to see a lot of good Vaulters and i enjoyed it a lot!
Everything about the older competition and events you can read under "Au Pair year".
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