Horse i lunged and me on a show 2013
Horse i lunged and me on a show 2013

Some Informations about me in vaulting:

With 8,9 years i started taking ridinglessons, but i was chicking out so my teacher, who was also a vaultingcoach got me in vaulting to loose my fear.

With 13, I went to the first competition in canter with the squad in the level L (C). I made friends for a lifetime, had a great time I'll never forget. During the time I helped with leg ups in the younger classes a little bit. Sadly the squad quit 3years later. 

Gladly I had some longing and vaulting certificates ( both in level 4 and 3), so i made the coachassistent. 

After 3years break, i went back to vaulting in the club in Rheinböllen. For a half year i went on the horse and tried to get back in my old level. It was rough and kind of impossible because i worked fulltime and drove 45minutes one way to the barn. After a great season in which we went up from level A (D) to L (C) they wanted me only coaching and lunging.

I lunged the squad all competitions 2013 and was one of the coaches. 

In March 2014, I went as an Au Pair for one year in the USA. Luckily i found a great hostfamily who got me connected to a vaultingcoach near by. I volunteered there and enjoyed being able to continue sharing my love to that sport. It was tickeling me going back on the horse and when I got more time in august 2014, i got myself back up there. 

This is my story for now. About my experiences after that you'll hear under "blog". 

Also for the understanding, i'm not a vaulter in a high level like the Masters. I love that sport with horses and enjoy sharing it and try my best in coaching other kids and people but i'm still learning and think will never end to learn :-)